Five Jewish-themed, award-winning documentary films produced in the United States, Australia, France and Spain and will be screened in person and virtually beginning March 12, for five consecutive weeks.
All films have received recognition at festivals throughout the United States, Europe and Israel. The Series is brought to the community by the Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga and in-person screenings will take place at the Jewish Cultural Center, 5461 North Terrace Road. A
ll in-person events will begin at 6:30 with a Coffee, Tea and Sweets social with the film screening at 7:00 p.m. A subscription to all five films is $36. Purchase of one film at a time is $12. The films will be available virtually from Sunday noon to Friday noon.
Tickets are available on-line at or in person at the Jewish Cultural Center.
The Series schedule is as follows:
In person March 13/Virtual March 12-17
- Reckonings -- They met in secret to negotiate the unthinkable – compensation for the survivors of the largest mass genocide in history. Survivors were in urgent need of help, but how could reparations be determined for the unprecedented destruction and suffering of a people? United States, 74 minutes, German, Hebrew, English, subtitles
In person March 20/Virtual March 19-24
- The Narrow Bridge -- Explores the journeys of four people who, after searing pain, develop strengths they never had before. Despite fierce opposition these Israelis and Palestinians, are transforming their grief into a bridge for understanding and reconciliation. Australia, 76 minutes, Arabic, Hebrew, English, subtitles
In-person March 27/Virtual March 26-31
- Sauvons Les Enfants (Saving the Children) -- Using a unique storytelling format, this film tells the story of Jewish children from the North of France saved from Nazi deportation by the local population. France, 62 minutes, French, English, subtitles
In-person April 3/Virtual April 2-7
- Xueta Island -- The Spanish island of Majorca has a secret history; a group of families have been discriminated against since the 1400’s because their surnames have a connection to a once suppressed Jewish heritage. A few have been inspired to return to the faith of their ancestors. Spain, 63 minutes, Catalan, Spanish, English, subtitles
In -person April 10/Virtual April 9-14
- The Klezmatics on Holy Ground -- Join this Grammy award winning band on tour with all of its trials and tribulations, and of course great music. United States, 105 minutes, English
To purchase a subscription or pay for one-film-at-a time, register and make payment on the Jewish Federation’s website Payment will trigger the ability to link you to each film as well as capture your e-mail address in order to send you the viewing codes. Following each film, you will be sent an evaluation to complete.
Both the Chattanooga Jewish Film Series and the Chattanooga Documentary Film Series are made possible by our corporate sponsors Chattanooga Allergy Clinic, Market Street Partners, Patton Alberston & Miller, Chambliss, Kleen-A-Matic, Barnett & Company and First Horizon.
An average of 30 films are reviewed by a committee of dedicated volunteers for both the feature film series and the documentary film series in order to choose a minimum of 5 films for each series. Films screened at major national and international film festivals, those recommended by peers throughout the United States, and those brought to the committee’s attention by filmmakers are included in the selection process. Past selections have included Academy Award nominees and winners, as well as Israeli Ophir Award winners.
The Jewish Cultural Center, funded by the Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga, offers programs, classes and exhibits, social services, and a preschool—all rooted in Jewish values. The facility enables the Jewish community to raise its visibility, foster relationships, and strengthen its identity in the Chattanooga area.
Located at 5461 North Terrace, the Center and its programs are open to everyone regardless of religious affiliation.