Raenbow Station
Raenbow Station
So it is almost time for the end of the world—I mean, 2012. We made it through 11/11/11 (which mirrors my Hair of the Dog tab this weekend) and are on to start our new fears of and laughter at strange numerological expressions. During the past few years of being involved with local music, I have discovered that we have our own strange equations—and others who have been here longer than I have understand completely. Some of our favorite local bands have taken semi-permanent breaks, are moving on to play larger markets—or simply didn’t make it. But there are more people coming through the city, proving that with death comes life, when one door closes another opens, if the sun sets it is sure to rise, and shit happens for a reason…the whole hoopla.
If you are not careful, as a performer in our city it becomes easy to have this never-ending life of playing every night at the same place, becoming over-exposed. Then there is the other side—not playing enough and putting yourself in the underexposed category, as in my next analogy of the week, “damned if you do and damned if you don’t”. Finding the balance of performing is an art in itself. Deciding how many times you play a month, in and out of town, to keep people interested is an intricate process. That’s my thought as I head out to The CampHouse to watch not only an old favorite, but three new local and regional bands fight for The King Of The Southside title this Saturday night. We need all the help filling our local halls that we can get—so remember, “You are the future.” And that will end my slew of motivational quotes for this week.
If you’re not familiar with The CampHouse, it’s located at 1427 Williams Street on the Southside, downtown. Though it is a smaller venue, the boys who own and manage the building are from New York, and have put all of their energy into making it a great area for recording and playing to an open, relaxed-style room of music enthusiasts. This is their first year organizing I Am The King Of The Southside, A Battle of the Bands. We are into the third week—but there is still time for you to get in and see who these artists are and choose the third semi-finalist. Two have made it already, The John Truitt Band and Finesse. I spoke with Matt Busby of The CampHouse, and as this is the last show before the finals on December 2, he feels that Saturday will be the most competitive and diverse showing as far as genres. Bands this week include The Cadillac Saints of Chattanooga and North Georgia, Ezell of Nashville, Raenbow Station out of Covenant College and The Family Gardener of UTC. Each band plays 25-minute set and is allowed one cover. Judging will be tallied by a panel of judges, who will create a composite score based on musical ability, originality and of course, crowd approval. Come on out Saturday and bring your friends and family to learn more about some great new bands to the area—and see who will be crowned The King of The Southside—or Queen? If you have a band or upcoming show let us know! We are ready to hear about you. I mean, it is kinda my job.
I Am The King of The Southside
Featuring Cadillac Saints, Ezell, Raenbow Station, The Family Gardener
$7 • 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, November 19 at The CampHouse,
1427 Williams St. (423) 702-8081. thecamphouse.com
Email story ideas to: Tara V here http://scr.im/thepulse