Take a look in your junk drawer. A few old cell phones hanging out in there? Practice spring cleaning and random acts of kindness by donating them (with free shipping) to Medic Mobile.
A recent post from The Daily Good by good.is profiled Medic Mobile, a nonprofit organization “seeking to advance rural healthcare networks in the developing world by implementing sustainable, appropriate technologies with mobile phones.” The donated phones help patients and community health workers connect to clinics for emergency care, medicine, maternal care, and infectious disease support. The project is called “Hope Phones.”
According to Mobile Medic themselves, they will take any phone, working or not, and they don’t need chargers or accessories. “Our recycling partner erases all data through a certified and secure process,” their site states. Your phones will not be sent directly to people in the field. Instead, the phones are refurbished for sale or recycled safely. Hope Phones receives the value of each recycled phone to purchase new mobile technology for the field. A tax deduction is available for larger donations, so if your company is cleaning mobile house, let them know about this project.
Says the site: “If Hope Phones can recycle just 1 percent of disposed phones each year, we can outfit 1 million health workers, improving the lives of 50 million people.” Not bad for spring cleaning—and lasts longer.
Print a free shipping label at hopephones.org/donate