“Sometimes it takes only one clear voice in a sea of loud chatter to rise above the chaos and shift the planet back to center.”
Speaking up for yourself is a seed. It begins a process. Others take notice and before long the seed grows into a community movement—leading, hopefully, to understanding and inclusiveness, a righting of wrongs, positive, progressive thought.
Some people have their hands full just learning to undo the teachings and preachings from their childhood that taught them they are not okay, not enough, not loveable. Their voice was not validated or valued. On the other hand, those with clear, encouraged voices have the potential to become movers and shakers, fight for fairness, change laws, increase compassion. Just one confident voice can change lives.
Where are you along this continuum? Do you need to speak up—if not for yourself, for someone you care about? Do you need someone to speak up for you?