3rd Annual Remembering Our Hereoes
6th Cavalry Museum 6 Barnhardt Circle, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia 30742
3rd Annual Remembering Our Heroes
6th Cavalry Museum Celebrates 3rd Annual Remembering Our Heroes
World War II Allied and Axis forces take to the battlefield once again on October 13, 2012, for the Third Annual Remembering Our Heroes. Played out on the polo field of the historic Army post at Fort Oglethorpe from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., the day includes two battle re-enactments, a cook-off, historic vehicle and equipment displays, and 1940s entertainment. Admission for day’s activities: $10 per adult; $2 for Scouts and ROTC cadets; $5 for and retired Military, students ages 7 to 18, and adults over 65. Children under 5 are free. Parking is free. Information and tickets for “Remembering Our Heroes” is available on the web at www.wwiiheroes.net or by calling the 6th Cavalry Museum at 706-861-2860.