Birth 2012 and end of Mayan Calendar
Center for Mindful Living 1212 McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404
On Saturday, December 22nd from 11am to 1:30 pm the Center for Mindful Living will join in Birth2012, a global movement that aims to unify 100 million people to celebrate the birth of a new era at our Birth2012 “Hub.” We will begin at 11:00 with a community meditation, followed by a labyrinth walk with crystal bowls and drumming. No registration is needed and you are welcome join for any part of the event. Bring an instrument if you have one. We will have light refreshments and a place for quiet sitting in prayer and meditation. We will have the live streaming of events of Birth2012, a global webcast of transformational leaders, acts of love, and unifying spiritual practices from 40 major events from Mexico to Australia. Event held at Center for Mindful Living, 1212 McCallie Avenue. Chattanooga, TN 37404.