Facebook Live Virtual Concert with Ryan Long from Opposite Box
Online City of Chattanooga, Tennessee
Join us from your phone, tablet or computer screen for a virtual concert with Ryan Long! We'll be streaming live from our Facebook page (Visit Chattanooga) this Monday, April 6 at 2:00 p.m. ET.
You can usually find Ryan Long belting out vocals and playing keys for Chattanooga's experimental/progressive rock band Opposite Box. But during these days of staying at home, Long has been sharing live streams featuring the 1970s throwback instrument called a talk box. You remember Peter Frampton, right? Long has agreed to create a psychedelic soundscape for us using all the toys in his bag. We can't wait!
Venmo: @Ryanlongface
Cashapp: $Ryanlongface
#ConnectChatt is a way to bring people together and offer some reprieve and joy from the daily news-cycle. #ConnectChatt came about as a way for us to utilize our social media platforms to help amplify and support local talent in the coming weeks. We will live stream and archive each performance on our page.