Sip, Paint & Spit Open Mic - James Baldwin Festival of Words
The SmArt Oasis 6215 Lee Hwy, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421
Vityl Media
open mic
Come enjoy great poetry, grab a mask to paint, and express your love within.
Sip on a complimentary glass of fine wine provided by the local, Black-owned winery, Lady Naps Winery.
More wine will be available for purchase to keep the creativity flowing and additional refreshments will available while they last.
Poetry open mic will be hosted by Synamon, with vibe control by DJ Touch.
Sharketa Penn, also known as S. JaFineArt, is our night's featured visual artist and will be providing artistic instruction.
She is the current Art Director for the Music, Fashion, & Arts Foundation and a proud 2003 graduate of Howard School of Academics and Technology. She is known for her stunning semi-realistic works that blend elements of reality with imagination. With a keen eye for detail, she expertly utilizes various mediums, with graphite and charcoal being her favorites. Her diverse talents and unwavering dedication to her craft make her a true standout in the art world.
Cost: $25 – includes painting supplies and a wine ticket for a complimentary glass of wine!
This event will be held at the SmArt Oasis, located at 6215 Lee Hwy. G-131
As part of the Chattanooga Festivals of Black Arts & Ideas James Baldwin Festival of Words literary festival honoring Black literary EXCELLENCE!