A partial solar eclipse is scheduled to occur on Monday, April 8 from around 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. And while this is an exciting event, April 8 will remain a normal school day for the district.
Hamilton County Schools recognize the importance of ensuring the safety of students during this event, especially since it coincides with some school dismissal times.
"We are aware some families may want to use this day as a family learning experience and we encourage you to do so at your own discretion and we will excuse any half day absence," said Hamilton County Schools Communications Officer Steve Doremus.
They are asking that all parents have a discussion with their children regarding safety during the eclipse. Looking directly at the sun without proper eyewear is NEVER healthy. Regular sunglasses, tinted windows, or looking out of regular bus or car windows do not provide adequate protection and can cause eye damage.
For additional resources on solar eclipse safety and information, please visit the following links:
"At Hamilton County Schools, the safety and well-being of our students are our top priorities." Doremus added. "By working together as a community and taking necessary precautions, we can ensure that our children have a safe and enriching experience during the solar eclipse."